Help and Hope After Medical Injuries
MedFault provides the latest information on medical errors and injuries. We help you detect possible medical malpractice, review dangerous complications of well-known drugs and medical devices, and find help to begin healing after a medical injury.
Active Lawsuits
Drug Lawsuits
Medical Device Lawsuits
Medical Errors Lawsuits
What to do after a medical mistake?
Recovering after a medical error can be painful and overwhelming to navigate. Medical professionals do make mistakes, and sometimes they have serious, lifelong consequences. We help you understand common medical errors and injuries, recognize signs of potential negligence, and offer guidance on what you can do if you believe you are the victim of medical malpractice.
Featured Dangerous Drugs and Devices
Every day millions of Americans trust that their medication or medical device will help ease their pain and improve their overall health. But sometimes, pharmaceutical drugs and devices do more harm than good.
We have collected information on the harmful side effects of the most notorious of these defective drugs and devices, and explain your rights if you were injured.